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Self care is NOT selfish

How are YOU doing?  Not your child or the rest of your family but YOU?  We want to know so comment here or feel free to send us an email with any questions or concerns, we are here to support you.
For many the past year and a half has been a mixture of so many different emotions.  We haven’t all experienced COVID the same way and therefore may have different feelings about this school year or even our lives in general.
We want you to take a moment right now and visualize, even for 30 seconds, what you want the rest of your morning, day, evening, or weekend to be like.  Allow yourself to experience calm by taking a deep breath, even amongst the chaos, and breathe through it.  Do this as often as you need to, anywhere you need to.  Our children are not the only ones that need to “reset” their brains, we do too!
If you are need in a relaxing meditation before bed try https://www.navigatingadhd.com/adhd-resources/
Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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