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How are you? Seriously, how are you? There is so much chaos and sadness in the world we didn’t want to say another word until we asked that question.  Some days it can be really hard to manage all that our personal and professional lives throw at us and then it can be crushing when the world throws on even more. For some, the little stuff seems like not a big deal at all. For others, there is guilt about our “small problems.”   Some people need to focus on the small things because the world’s problems are just too overwhelming.  We want you to know that these are all perfectly appropriate responses.  We are not giving you any strategies or ADHD  parenting tips today. We just wanted to see how you are doing and let you know we are here for you, ADHD related or not. Call us, email us, text us or just simply know that you are not alone and we are here whenever you need us. 

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Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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