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Top Three Tips for Taking Action, Say Goodbye to Guilt!


  1. Get clear on what your parenting guilt is all about.  Guilt likes to hang around and will continue to do so until you say goodbye.  Identify where the guilt is coming from and then say goodbye! Literally, stop and say or yell goodbye.  Don’t skip this step, action is power!
  2. Just because you said goodbye more guilt will eventually creep in so decide what you are going to do when that happens.  We always recommend having a plan so there are no wishy washy reactions simply clear responses.  So…….. when you recognize that old feeling creeping in, once again, ask yourself how it is serving you.  Maybe you have made a mistake and decide to talk candidly to your child about it or maybe you need to let the emotion go because it has no purpose. The key here is RESPOND DON’T REACT.
  3. Create a clear vision of the parent you want to be.  Don’t roll your eyes! This might sound hoaky but really step back and think about who you want to be.  Perfection has no place here but being your best self does.  Do you want to listen more, yell less, put your phone down, or carve out more one on one time with your child?  This may take some digging but it is a critical component of taking action.  It deserves your undivided time and attention because you are more than worth it!
Mom's Choice, ADDA, CHADD, ACO

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